Friday, September 14, 2012

Fail 053 : Video from abroad special

It's been too long since I've posted any pictures.  I need my photo editing software back, as I've just built a new computer, so I'll try to get on that.  In the mean time, here is a video that I found from Jalopnik.

The Dacia Sandero, a long time running gag on Top Gear, is seen in a dash cam vid (most likely from Eastern Europe) is seen doing the biggest parking fail ever.  It's sad...the driver is sitting so close to the wheel, which should eliminate that issue with new cars, where limited visibility is available, no matter which seat you're in.

No matter, the video is here for all of you to enjoy.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fail 052

How hard is it to park in a parking spot?  Some people find it to be so hard, they just have to park terribly far from a parking spot right at the entrance.

Make: Chevrolet
Model: Cavalier
Location: Kennedy, Ellesmere, Toronto
Fail Rating : (1 = mild, 10 = severe) : 10/10

Fail 051

The warmer weather is a chance to enjoy the backyard and build your decks and porches.  This driver will build a terrible deck, can't even park their car straight.  Did you expect the cutting to be straight too?

Make: Honda
Model: Odyssey
Location: Home Depot, Woodside Outlets, Markham
Fail Rating : (1 = mild, 10 = severe) : 4/10

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fail 050

Yes, bunch up! That's what helps the difficult parking situation at Canada's Wonderland.

Make: Porsche
Model: Cayenne
Location: Canada's Wonderland
Fail Rating : (1 = mild, 10 = severe) : 4/10

Fail 049

Easiest spot to park, easiest way to fail

Make: Honda
Model: Odyssey
Location: Hillcrest Mall,
Fail Rating : (1 = mild, 10 = severe) : 9/10

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fail 048

Because conforming is so necessary.

Make: Hyundai, Acura
Model: Tucson, TL
Location: Food Basics, Thornhill, Bayview Ave and John
Fail Rating : (1 = mild, 10 = severe) : 4/10

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fail 047

It seems that with the weather finally leveling off and being a bit more mild, people still can't master parking their cars in a properly clean parking lot, free of snow and ice.  What gives?

Make: Volkswagen
Model: Golf
Location: Sheridan Nurseries, Highway 7 and Warden, Markham
Fail Rating : (1 = mild, 10 = severe) : 7/10

Fail 046

Because protruding into another person's parking spot is absolutely necessary...

Make: Acura
Model: CSX
Location: Cineplex, The Queensway and Islington
Fail Rating : (1 = mild, 10 = severe) : 2/10

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fail 045

This mall is pretty hard to drive through when it's packed.  This is especially true during lunch and dinner, so seeing that this is a Good Friday weekend, parking like this is most definitely appreciated.  Seriously, thanks.  Thanks for parking in such a way so that others can't park easily.

Make: Hyundai
Model: Sonata
Location: Village Mall, Finch and Midland
Fail Rating : (1 = mild, 10 = severe) : 7/10

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fail 044

Spring is slowly creeping back into Toronto, and the urge to drive out and enjoy a lovely evening is tempting.  Please park responsibly!

Make: Toyota, Suzuki
Model: Rav4, SX4
Location: Finch and Leslie Square
Fail Rating : (1 = mild, 10 = severe) : 10/10

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fail 043 : Video Compilation special

In winter, as a rule, I understand that not being able to see the lines because of snow is understandable.  That's why, photos are never taken of cars that are out of line because of natural problems.  Which explains why there is a decline in photos taken during the winter.  To compensate for this, Jalopnik has done a compilation to help us remember the 10 worst parking jobs ever caught on video.  I think some of these will be quite to some of your liking.  Head on over to here and enjoy yourself.  I will reiterate by saying this is NOT my work.

As a side note though, pictures of people parking @ churches or private underground garages are also not put on this blog to preserve sanctity and security respectively.  I understand the church parking lot is usually full of limp-wristed individuals who know how to lecture today's youth in the wrongness of their ways.  However, they rarely ever recognize the wrongness of their way of parking (i.e. stopping their car in a place that clearly is not a parking spot).  However, it's best not to invade the sanctity of someone's home parish and posting pictures of botched parking jobs from there.  I apologize in advance if this offends anyone, but sanctity and security are rather important in today's world.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fail 042

Swiss Chalet..always so good for so little....

I'm serious...I walked out and I saw this.

Make: Chevrolet
Model: Imapala
Location: Hillcrest Mall
Fail Rating : (1 = mild, 10 = severe) : 5/10